Today I thought I'd share tips on traveling with children. AG has been flying since she was 5 months old since her daddy works for an airline. :) Here's how we do it:
Sustenance: When she was a baby, I'd nurse her or bring a bottle to give her during take-off to help her ears adjust to the change in altitude. Be sure to declare any bottles or sippy cups as you're going through security. They won't make you dump milk or formula! Now, I like to pack bags of crackers, goldfish, fruit leather -- anything without a ton of sugar. You definitely don't want to fly with a sugar-rushed child! We also bring a water bottle to fill up once we're through security.
Activities: It's good to pack a few of their favorite toys and books when they're younger in your carry-on bag. Things you know will keep them occupied for longer amounts of time but won't take up a long space. Toys with noise are NOT encouraged for the consideration of your fellow passengers. If your kid is old enough, I'd highly recommend downloading some games or shows on your phone/tablet. But keep in mind, you won't have Wi-Fi, so they have to actually be downloaded onto your drive. To me, this is TOTALLY worth it when your child is in a confined space.
Be Prepared: Not this time (thank the good Lord God almighty) but last time, AG ended up getting the stomach flu and throwing up on the plane. It helps to have an extra pair of clothes and especially a plastic grocery bag because you never know what will happen no matter how old your child is. We packed an extra dress for her that was easy to change in and out of. Pack more than enough diapers and other supplies, too!
Hopefully you'll luck out and get a flight that turns out like this... :)
Our Sarah is bravely traversing across the country from the East Coast to Alaska this week! Maybe she'll share her road trip strategies with two littles when she gets back? But you can follow her journey on her personal blog here.
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