Friday, May 23, 2014

Your Naptime Novelists

This is my life in a mouthful. And it's Laurie's and it's Sarah's, and if you're reading this, it's probably yours too. Messy windows globbed with handprints, or in my case, lip-prints, crumb covered carpets, fruit snacks under the couch cushions, crusties on the coffee table, toys hanging off the ceiling fan, laundry clean but still in the laundry room ... the list goes on.

Fact of the matter is, no matter what area of life you come from, if you're a mom, it's all a part of the package. We're excited here at The Naptime Novelists to overcome the elements of competition that, let's face it, run rampant among us women. You're a career-woman? How do you feel about never seeing your children and are you comfortable with the fact they might be hurt by your absence in their life? You're a stay at home mom? I wish I had that sort of freetime. 'Nuf said. You work from home? Aren't going like--half crazy? Your house must be shambles of paperwork and toys and don't you think it's wrong to use the TV as a babysitter?

Criticisms, competition, questioning...

At The Naptime Novelists we want to move past that and realize that in the end... WE ARE ALL JUST MOMS. There is no one way, right way, narrow path to motherhood. It's a conglomeration of the crazy that we call "life". the crazy that the Lord has led our/your family to, and the crazy that surrounds the greatest loves of our lives.

So join us here at The Naptime Novelists, for three different perspectives, three different walks of life, but all with the same end goal: to be the best, God-centered Mom we can possibly be.

Sarah, our resident stay-at-home mom of boys ... well the word "boys" tells you she'll have lots of stories to tell. She's a published author, yes she is, and we are so proud!! Contrary to popular belief, she does not spend her days canning tomatoes and wearing ankle-length jean jumpers. She's pretty cool. But you'll find that out for yourselves on Mondays.

Laurie, our very own work-at-home mom of her little princess. She can sing every song a Bubbleguppie ever crooned, play a mean game of basketball, and still build her in-home online business. Crazy, I know. She writes contemporary romance and we've read her stuff and between us and her agent, we'll see this woman published! Contrary to popular belief, she is not bald from her pulling her hair out and doesn't drink coffee. But you'll find that out for yourselves on Fridays.

Jaime, I'm that work-outside-the-home mom of a Kokomo Jo who is half princess half tomboy. Then there's my toddling Peter Pan who's biggest arch enemy is Captain Hook, a.k.a. Daddy who is relentless in taking away this 2 year old's bottle and calling it a wrap. I log my 45 at work as a Director of Associate Development, Sales and Relations, in between on the run blog posts, book writing, communiques with my agent, helping my man out with his youth ministry at church and definitely NOT excelling in the culinary arts. On the side, I play Maid Marian with my bow and arrow, have rock climbed, fly-fished and gone a tad weird in the whole outdoorsy side of things. But, you'll find that out for yourselves on Wednesdays.

SO JOIN US! Three days a week, three messes of moms, three muddlers in this journey called "motherhood". We want your comments, your interaction, and most of all your forgiveness. We might publicly lose our minds here ;)...and for that we apologize in advance.


Unknown said...

So we're NOT cool if we wear jean jumpers and can tomatoes!??? LOL! ;) Just razzing you, Jaime! :P Looking forward to read this blog! :)

Unknown said...

readING ;)

Lorna said...

I wanted to stop by and congratulate you all on your new blog. I was a naptime novelist for years since I babysat long after my kids were in high school. I know that writing and raising children has its own set of challenges and rewards. Bless you all on your writing journey and your blog.

Jaime Wright said...

Of COURSE you're cool, Amy, I never said it was uncool, just that SARAH doesn't wear them ;)

Jaime Wright said...

Thank you SO much, Lorna!! It's good see a woman who has been through the trenches and come out (alive and smiling) on the other side :)

Laurie Tomlinson said...

Weeee! So happy for this adventure with you and Sarah!

Unknown said...

I would like to congratulate you on the launching of this very important blog. Other naptime novelists need motivation and I'm happy you can provide. Maybe some will be turned away from what I did--napping as the kidlet napped. Congrats to all of you and thank you for the coffee Jaime!

Jessica R. Patch said...

Congrats on your new blog! I'm out of the running around chasing kids stage but I do have a highschooler and a soon to be 5th grader so momming is just different but still stressful! Just new stresses! Many blessings and praying ya'll minister to millions of moms! :)

Sarah Varland said...

I am so excited about this! Great first post, Jaime!

Amanda Dykes said...

So much fun, ladies. Looking forward to reading your fantastic words in this corner of the web! :)

Unknown said...

I don't can tomatoes OR wear jean jumpers, Jaime! LOL! :D

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