Jaime Wright - WOHM

Hi! I'm Jaime. The WOHM, or the Work-Outside-The-Home-Mom.

Yep. I'm the rebel. Not. I'm here to clear the stigma that career-women are independent liberals who don't want to submit to their husbands. Well, let's be honest, no woman WANTS to submit ;) but how does that work in a relationship? So I'm hear to say, a great team is made of a leader and his co-captain. So, that's me. I work, bring home the bacon, help my man parent, and the whole family heads to church in our free time to help Daddy be the best youth pastor he can be.

I work as the Director of Associate Development, Sales, & Relations, so I've seen it. Probably not, but some days it feels like it. At least I don't have to slap on another hat when I get home 'cause the same techniques tend to work with children.

In my downtime (what downtime?), I head up our middleschool after-school youth program because Jr. High is simply the way to go. I teach an Old and New Testament Survey course to Freshman and Sophomores on Sundays. I'm an aspiring author of spirited and gritty turn-of-the-century romance stained with suspense.

Oh! And I can't forget what qualifies me to write for this blog. My two littles, Kokomo-Jo and Peter Pan. They keep me sane and soft.

Here's some other sources on moi, which I'm sure you're aching to know ;)

Represented by: Books & Such Literary Agency

Visit Jaime's web site: jaimewrightbooks.com

Visit Jaime's other blog: http://coffeecupsandcamisoles.blogspot.com
Email Jaime  - jaimewrightbooks at gmail dot com
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Jaime's old blog/archives - The Jaime Reports



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