Monday, June 30, 2014

Driving With Kids

I laughed when I realized Laurie and I were posting about the same thing, but different. But it makes sense, right? It's summer, so it's a good time to travel! If you're one of those people who prefer to fly, Laurie's post will help! If you're more into driving...I've got you covered.

That's my new truck. Currently it is sitting in the parking lot of a hotel in Nebraska, with a camper behind it, while we sleep in a hotel room. We're camping most of the way to Alaska, but a night here and there in a hotel is a nice change.

Rule #1 of driving with kids? Be flexible.  If it's late and everyone is tired and you have to change your stopping plans? Just go with it. If they're sleeping soundly and it's the time you wanted to leave, let them sleep a few extra minutes. It's okay to leave a few minutes late.

Rule #2 Watch the water intake...Okay, seriously, don't deprive your kids of water. But try to give them  lots of water when you stop for the night and limit is slightly during the day. There's a pretty good chance they're not that thirsty during the day, just bored.

Rule #3 Limit the screen time. This one is hard on a road trip! But I don't let my son spend his day glued to the ipad when we're at home, so especially on a long trip, I think you have to watch out for this. He is still spending more time on it than he would be otherwise, but at least he looks out the window some.

Rule #4 Bring their music. In the hopes of not getting it stuck in your head, I won't tell you what soundtrack we're listening to over and over. And I won't tell you which song is stuck in my head.

(Anyone have it stuck in your head now anyway??)

Trust me, though, it's worth the temporary craziness in your mind (no, not that music again!!!) to have your kids take naps.

Rule #5 Enjoy it! It's like Laurie's Magical Summer post. What do you remember from taking trips as a kid? Are they stressful memories in your mind? Or are they fun adventures? I know my parents must have been stressed some on trips, but what I remember is having tons of fun driving across the country and exploring new places. That's what I want my kids to remember too. So if the back of the truck has graham cracker crumbs in it, if you have to stop for a potty break ten minutes after you started driving for the day...try to keep a smile on your face. You're not just making mileage. You're making memories.


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